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Compensation was first fully established in the case of
Miller v Miller; McFarlane v McFarlane [2006] UKHL 24 (the two cases
were heard together but it was the wife in McFarlane who claimed compensation).
As Baroness Hale put it:
“Why should a woman who has chosen motherhood over
her career in the interests of her family be denied a fair share of the wealth
that her husband has been able to build up, as his share of the bargain that
they entered into when that choice was made,…”
Paragraph 120 of the House of Lords judgment.
It will not, the Courts are keen to remind us, be
applicable in many cases but when it is invoked it requires a difficult
economic forecasting exercise which one judge has referred to as “the blackest of arts”. I refer to Mr
Justice Coleridge’s comments in H v H [2014] EWHC 760 (Fam) in which he sought to capitalise a maintenance
order which included an element of compensation in order to achieve a clean
break between the parties. His attempt to “achieve
fairness between the parties in light of the past, present circumstances and in
light of the future facts in so far as they can be predicted” led to an
interesting accounting exercise which the Court of Appeal have since expressed
doubts over and the matter has now been referred back to lower courts to be
In McFarlane, the Court compensated the wife for
giving up a career as a city lawyer. Similarly, in H v H, after marrying in 1983, in 1990 the wife gave up a highly
paid accountancy role to raise the children and enable the husband to focus on
his career at a bank. On separation
in 2004, the husband had achieved partner at the bank with a staggering
earning capacity and considerable benefits and the wife had not worked for 14 years. In 2005 the wife had agreed to maintenance at £90,000pa but,
following the McFarlane decision in 2006, successfully applied to have that sum
increased to £150,000pa specifically to recognise the compensation element of
her claim. It is noteworthy that the compensation element was to be paid
through ongoing periodical payments and was not considered to have formed part of
the capital the wife had received as part of the divorce settlement which had included
the family home. The current proceedings came about because the husband was
seeking to terminate the wife’s maintenance payments because his circumstances
would be changing in that he was looking to retire within 2 years (aged 56) for
personal reasons and, in any event, he claimed that he had fulfilled his financial
obligations to the wife.
After considering the situation, Coleridge J accepted
that the husband’s circumstances were changing for legitimate reasons and that
his earning capacity would be reduced although he did not accept that it would be
reduced altogether considering the husbands skills, age and circumstances. He
decided that it would be fair to capitalise the wife’s maintenance on the
husband’s retirement taking into account the compensation element. It was his
method of calculating the value of this award which the wife objected to and
which the Court of Appeal decided was flawed.
Coleridge J had made an award which would allow for the
wife’s reasonable needs to be met from her capital resources, including the
family home and her savings, together with a lump sum of £400,000 to be paid by
the husband on his retirement. He accounted for the compensation element by excluding
over 70% of the value of the former family home from the calculation together
with any additional savings she could put aside prior to the husband’s
retirement and also by attributing what he argued was a generous annual return
on the income to be generated from the capital being assessed. The wife
objected on the basis that in 2007 court had decided that the compensation element
of her claim should be derived from the periodical payments only and it was not
fair to look to the capital assets she had already received on the divorce to meet
that element going forward. She argued that this would have the effect of
undoing the compensation award which would put her at a significant financial
disadvantage. Concerns were also raised in relation to the rate of annual
return used to calculate the rate Coleridge J had applied did not correlate to the
rates discussed during the proceedings and, without sufficient explanation in
the judgment, it appeared to the Court of Appeal as being a somewhat arbitrary
The case will now be heard again and it will be
interesting to see how another judge approaches this problem. If, as Coleridge
J has claimed, such an accounting exercise is indeed a black art, then arguably
a detailed approach is always going to be open to forensic scrutiny and objection.
Perhaps it would be more sensible to take a broader approach in order to achieve a
fair result rather than dwelling on complex calculations which will always be
open to scrutiny and objection by the dissatisfied party.
Compensation cases, whilst rare at the moment, could
increase as women continue to find equality with men at the higher end of their
professions. Notwithstanding this, these cases tend to be very fact specific and,
without the use of a functioning crystal ball, it is impossible to know how
someone’s career will, or would have, progressed had different choices been
made. So how does this help the happily married couple who are facing the
decision as to who gives up their career to care for the home and children? Arguably,
not much. Some damage limitation could be done with either a pre- or post-nuptial
agreement addressing the issue of compensation, or by ensuring that both
parties have been adequately and equitably provided for by way of pensions
and/or other investments (something which was not really touched on by
Coleridge J in H v H). However, discussions regarding long term financial
planning in the event of divorce are hardly going to be high on an expecting couples
list of priorities. It may be then that the Courts will, on occasion, be required to
engage in this blackest of arts in order to achieve a fair result. It may even
be that further case law will lead to further guidance in this matter which
could help to clear the fog and mysticism surrounding such calculations.
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If you have any thoughts on this issue please feel free to share them by making comments.